-Added village watermain and fire protection to over 400 lots previously on wells in 2006. From approximately 1955 to 1978, a 60 acre Wauconda Sand and Gravel site operated as a landfill and received approximately 3 million cubic yards of waste. In 2003, random sampling of residential wells by the Lake County Health Department indicated vinyl chloride contamination in some of the wells. Our project included installation of watermain into these subdivisions as well as installing water services into the homes and connecting them to the houses internal plumbing. We then removed the old well heads, filled the wells and capped them. For this project we were responsible for tracking all items under 3 separate fund codes, inspection of pipe installation, house plumbing, and restoration.
-Fully reconstructed more than 20 weather and age worn village roadways in the villages of Round Lake Beach and Wauconda. Roads and utilities were in very poor condition. Managed and inspected the complete replacement of undersized and fragile transite watermain pipes with larger 8 inch ductile iron pipe, upgraded storm sewers from clay to reinforced concrete pipe and repaired existing sanitary sewer lines. Most of these projects also included the removal of the existing ditch and culvert roadways and replacement with a curb and gutter style road. These were mainly Tax Increment Fund and Motor Fuel Tax funded projects, in which we did one to two per year.
-Milled and replaced over 20 roads throughout the villages of Round Lake Beach and Wauconda. This work consisted of the removal of old asphalt and replacing it with new N-50 asphalt binder pavement in most cases and N-50 surface throughout. Duties included project inspection, tracking of quantities, processing pay requests, final inspection punch list and project close out.
-Very recently managed a $3M watermain replacement project in the Village of Round Lake Beach. This project included the replacement of over 4 miles of transite watermain with new 8 and 12 inch ductile iron watermain. The new watermain was installed by horizontal directional boring. We excavated and located all existing utilities plotted them on the plan and profile, I created a new alignment based on the existing conditions, which was reviewed by the engineer, and the contractor drilled in the new pipe. This was all followed up by the replacement of more than 350 one-inch copper water services to the existing homes. Duties also included contract quantity tracking for final cost analysis, quantity measurement, change order processing, and contractor oversight.
-South West Basin Paving Project in the Village of Round Lake Beach. This project involved the installation of new storm sewers, driveway culverts, roadway widening and resurfacing of over 4.5 miles of roadway in an existing subdivision. Major challenges included